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What are the intelligent compact shelving control systems?

time:July 18, 2024, 1:36 a.m. source:

The intelligent compact shelving control system is an advanced system that integrates technologies such as sensors, actuators, computers, and network communications. It aims to realize the automated control and management of storage, retrieval, and movement of goods in the compact shelving warehouse. It is mainly composed of two parts: hardware and software. The specific control system types and characteristics are as follows:

1. Hardware Part

Sensor: used to monitor the status of the storage area in real time, such as detecting parameters such as shelf position, temperature, humidity, and lighting. These sensors are the basis for the system to achieve precise control and optimization.

Actuator: Perform specific actions according to the instructions of the control system, such as driving the lifting, movement, and rotation of the compact shelving.

Controller: As the core component of the system, it is responsible for receiving sensor signals, processing user instructions, and controlling the actuator to perform corresponding operations.

2. Software Part

Control system software: provides a user operation interface to realize human-computer interaction, while processing data from sensors and user instructions to control the movement and status of the compact shelving.

Database management system: used to store and manage cargo information, location data, operation records, etc. in the warehouse, and provide data support for the intelligent management of the system.

User interface: includes various forms of operation interfaces such as touch screens, remote controls, and computers, through which users can easily control and manage the compact shelving.

3. Common control system types

intelligent compact shelving

Touch screen control system

Users can operate and manage through the touch screen interface, such as lifting, moving, rotating the rack, selecting storage cells and index retrieval, etc.

Remote control system

Users can control and operate the compact rack through the remote control. The remote control usually has various buttons and functions. Users can select storage cells, control the movement and rotation of the rack through the remote control, etc.

Computer control system

Users can use a specific software interface to operate and control the compact rack through the computer for storage management, retrieval of items and data analysis. This control system is powerful and suitable for scenarios that require complex management and data analysis.

Sensor and automatic control system

Combined with the data monitored in real time by the sensor and the preset rules, the automatic control system can automatically control and manage the operation of the compact rack. This system usually has a higher degree of intelligence, can reduce manual intervention and improve operating efficiency.

4. Functional characteristics

intelligent compact shelving

Intelligent positioning of goods: Through technologies such as lasers and cameras, the system can accurately identify the location and status of goods and achieve precise positioning.

Automatic storage and retrieval function: The system can automatically store and retrieve goods according to instructions or preset programs, which improves the efficiency and accuracy of storage and retrieval of goods.

Intelligent path planning: The system can intelligently plan the storage and access paths of goods according to the distribution of goods in the warehouse and the optimization algorithm, reducing the time and energy consumption of goods handling.

Real-time monitoring and alarm: The system can monitor the operation status in the warehouse in real time, and promptly alarm when an abnormality or failure occurs to ensure the safety and stable operation of the warehouse.

Data analysis and optimization: The system can collect, analyze and optimize the operation data in the warehouse to help warehouse managers better understand the operation of the warehouse and improve operation strategies.

In summary, the intelligent dense shelving control system is an efficient, accurate, safe, scalable and intelligent warehouse management system. With the continuous development of technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, the intelligent dense shelving control system will also usher in more innovation and development opportunities.

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